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Clogged Kitchen Service Professional

A clogged kitchen sink is an annoyance that can quickly become a major headache if left unresolved. This can create an unsightly mess and can even lead to the kitchen becoming unusable until the clog is fixed. Fortunately, clogged kitchen sinks are a common issue and can be remedied with the right approach and tools. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the most common causes of clogged kitchen sinks and provide guidance on the best way to address them. We’ll also explore potential preventive measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of future clogs. By providing this information, we hope to empower readers with the knowledge and skills needed to troubleshoot and maintain their kitchen plumbing in order to keep their kitchen running smoothly.

Identify The Source Of The Clog

The first step in clearing a clogged kitchen sink is to identify the source of the clog. By examining the sink’s drain pipes, you can often tell where the clog is located. If you cannot locate the clog visually, try running a sink auger down the drain to locate the obstruction. Once the clog is identified, you can then work to remove it.

Use A Plunger To Attempt To Clear The Clog

If the clog is in the kitchen sink, you can try to clear it with a plunger. Start by running some hot water down the drain to warm up the pipes and help the plunger work effectively. Once the water has had a chance to run, place the plunger over the drain and pump it vigorously. This should help to loosen any debris that is blocking the drain. If the clog is cleared up after a few pumps of the plunger, then you are all set. If the clog persists, you may need to try another method.

Try Using A Plumber’s Auger To Dislodge The Clog

If you have a clogged kitchen sink, you may want to try using a plumber’s auger to dislodge the clog. This tool is specifically designed for the job and should not be confused with an ordinary auger. To use the plumber’s auger, you will need to insert the end into the sink drain and work the handle in a clockwise direction until the clog is broken up and removed. If the clog is stubborn, you may need to use the auger several times before it is removed.

Use A Chemical Drain Cleaner

If you’re dealing with a clogged kitchen sink, a chemical drain cleaner can be an effective solution. It’s important to use this method with care, however, as the chemicals can be caustic and should be handled with caution. Before using a chemical drain cleaner, it’s best to clear the drain of any debris or materials that may have caused the blockage. Once this is done, pour the cleaner down the drain and allow it to sit for the recommended amount of time as indicated on the product label. After the cleaner has been allowed to do its job, flush the drain with hot water to clear away the clog.

Boil Water And Pour It Down The Clogged Drain

If your kitchen drain is clogged, boiling a pot of water and pouring it down the drain is an easy and effective way to unclog it. Boiling the water releases the pressure in the line and helps to break up the clog. Be sure to pour the water slowly, so as not to cause any further damage. This method is particularly effective when the clog is caused by grease or oil buildup in the pipe.

Use A Wet/Dry Vacuum To Suck Out Debris

If you have a clogged kitchen sink, you can use a wet/dry vacuum to suck out the debris. Be sure to use a vacuum that is rated to handle liquids, such as a wet/dry vacuum cleaner. To use it, place the hose of the vacuum cleaner over the kitchen sink drain and turn it on. Then, insert the suction pipe into the drain and move it around to suck out the debris. Be sure to also check for any blockages in the pipes as well. After that, you can use a plunger to force out any remaining debris.

Use A Drain Snake

If your kitchen sink is clogged and you’ve tried the standard solutions like plungers and drain cleaners with no success, it’s time to bring out the big guns and use a drain snake. A drain snake is a long, flexible metal cable that is inserted into the drain and manually rotated to break up and remove any clogs. You can find drain snakes at most hardware stores and they are relatively easy to use. Before you use one, make sure to wear protective gloves and eye goggles to avoid any potential injury.

Call A Professional Plumber

If all else fails, you may need to call in a professional plumber. A plumber will know how to locate and fix any clogs in your kitchen, whether it’s from the pipes or from the sink. In addition, they will be able to advise you on the best way to prevent future clogs, such as installing a filter or drain protector. Even if you’re feeling confident in your DIY skills, it is important to remember that a clogged kitchen can lead to bigger problems in the future and you’ll want an experienced plumber to help you out


Have you noticed that your kitchen drain is slower than usual? Leftover grease and food cause not only a clogged stove but also other plumbing problems, leading to slow drainage. Sometimes organic debris and other materials get clogged because they are too big to go down the drains.

A variety of debris or items such as disposable cloths, individually or together, can settle, stick and clog your sinks, which may result in you being unable to have a fully functional kitchen.

The main drain can also become clogged. It is a common situation due to the lack of periodic maintenance. To better treat a clogged kitchen requires professional plumbing services. At one point or another, all buildings require drain cleaning due to blocking from continuous use. Kitchen blockages occur due to a mixture of residues, such as grease and everyday products like napkins or tissues. These wash down the sink and collect in the drain pipes, causing a clog. Drain blockage is inconvenient and dangerous to your health.

Most people neglect to maintain the kitchen even though it softens every day. Once they start to leak or clog, it may be too late. There are several reasons why your sewer line will leak or get clogged.


Over a period of years, excess foods, fats, and paper products that do not disintegrate will accumulate. This creates a blockage in the line that will cause blockage failures.

Age of pipes

Time is also a factor in kitchen drain or water line failure. Over time, the conditions around and within the line become a component that causes cracks and breaks that give off the debris and cause clogging.

Lack of periodic maintenance

The easiest and most cost-effective way to avoid significant damage or clogging is to perform regular plumbing maintenance in the office. If water seeps through the cracks, excess water is causing leaks, or slow drainage occurs, call us for guaranteed quality service.

Tackling home repair projects requires technical tools, professionals, time, and experience. If your kitchen pipes are draining slowly, don’t hesitate to call our experts. We’ll be at your doorstep and perform a professional clogged kitchen cleanup and allow you to focus on the things that are important to you. Enjoy your home and the fully functional convenience of its amenities as initially designed.


Our drain cleaning service will help fix clogged kitchen problems. We will send you a trained and experienced team member for the tasks. So with a phone call, we will schedule an appointment to investigate the condition of your kitchen plumbing to give you a quote. If you allow us, we will begin the repair process. Let us help you return your kitchen to a valuable and flowing condition.

All in all, kitchen clogs can happen to anyone. The best way to avoid them is to prevent waste from entering the pipes in the first place. If you do end up with a clog, however, there are a few easy solutions to try. Any of the above methods should help you dislodge the blockage and keep your kitchen running smoothly.

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